Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Late October Harvest and An Extraordinary Week

It has been quite the busy week around here so that I missed Harvest Monday entirely. Last Tuesday my aged parents arrived here from Florida and on Thursday we all trekked down to New York City to attend my son's wedding which was on Friday. It was a crazy time, since we stayed in lower Manhattan but the wedding was across the river in Brooklyn. The bride and groom had family coming in from Oregon, California, Texas, Illinois, Florida, western New York and all for a very small wedding of only about 45 people. We enjoyed seeing family that is so far flung, even though it was only for about 2 days and involved a lot of taxis, subways and walking! I think it will take me a few weeks to feel normal again!
Still, I did manage to get in a little harvest this week and I fully plan to devote next week to garden clean-up and prep for next year.
 This basket holds my first harvest of brussels sprouts. They weren't the tightest little sprouts ever, but they sure tasted good. The other half of the basket has broccoli shoots, which I'm still getting. After that first killing frost we had last week, it has stayed above freezing.
 More broccoli above, and below are two of my little fall carrots with a few French Breakfast radish that managed to bulb up. I doubt I'll get many more of those.

 Here's a glimpse of our yard in autumn. My niece from Chicagoland stayed with us for a day after the wedding in NY because she wanted to see the New England fall colors. My husband and niece are far better photographers than I am and I should have had them take the picture, but I just wanted to get the flavor of autumn here. Our peak for foliage colors is probably next week, because I'm still seeing a lot of green out there. It seems a little late this year.
My best harvest of all: my younger son Matt and his bride Abby overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a misty rainy day, but that didn't dampen anyone's spirits. They are both creative and talented artists and I hope they have a wonderful life together.
Looking forward to garden time this week, oh yeah!!!!


  1. Beautiful harvests. And congrats on the wedding.

  2. My sprouts look about the same size as yours. I've only picked and eaten ones that were about an inch in size and hard, so I haven't picked any of this current crop yet. How did you cook yours? I never liked them steamed or boiled, so had planned to try roasting them in the oven. I don't think mine are firm enough to do that yet.

    Congratulations to the bride and groom! They make a very handsome couple.

    1. Thank you Granny! I like to roast them too; I've found some nice recipes online. This first batch I steamed then pan roasted with balsamic vinegar.

  3. Congratulations on the wedding. That must have been kind of like a family reunion! Great to be getting broccoli. I don't think I like brussel sprouts but maybe it was the way they were fixed. Beautiful yard. Must be so relaxing for you. Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy! It really was fun to see everyone. I read somewhere that people have a gene that causes them to like brussels sprouts. Those that don't have it, don't care for them. Weird, huh? My husband must have that gene! I don't like brussels sprouts as much as he does, but I do like them.
