Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sunshine in My Soul

Life certainly has its upside and its downside. You really have to pay attention sometimes and look for the rays of sunshine wherever you can find them. I think that's why I love my garden so much, despite the work, the plagues of bugs, disease and critters. This is what greeted me when I walked into the smaller garden the other day:
It was a volunteer from the bird feeder that found a nice place in the garden to sprout and grow. And it just made me smile to see it in all its golden glory, spreading sunshine to my soul!
On a personal level, this has been a tough season. Ups and downs. Joys and sorrows. Some things threatened to take away the joy I had in planting my spring garden. But I think of the garden as my happy place and focusing on the good that comes from growing things has been a big help in coping with the downs of life. The sunflower was like God's reminder to me of all that I have good in my life: wonderful friends, family and home. And there is always sunshine in the future!


  1. Love your post today and what a good reminder. I have had a lot of downs lately and need to remember to look for the joys! Nancy

    1. Hi Nancy! Sorry it took so long to get this comment up and replied to. I've been out of town and computerless for two days. It is really all about keeping alert to the good things because one can really let those negatives dominate at times! Hope your life is full of ups going forward!
