Monday, September 17, 2012

Harvest Monday

It's Harvest Monday again over at Daphne's Dandelions where gardeners from around the country and the world are showing what their gardens have produced this week. Head on over to see what's happening!
It is true that the harvest here in the northeast is starting to slow down with the coming of autumn weather and shorter days, but there is still a steady amount of fresh vegetables in my garden.
 Green beans are still going strong. My third patch is now producing and patch #2 is in its full second harvest. Eggplants are growing slower, but I was able to harvest a few small ones. The cherry tomatoes above are from a volunteer plant growing in one of my walkways; it is the healthiest tomato plant I have at the moment. And I am finally seeing some peppers turning red. The ones pictured are Jimmy Nardello and Lipstick.
 Still getting little broccoli shoots! Our favorite veggie, so nice to have plenty this year!
 Salad greens! The majority is komatsuna, but there is a bit of lettuce (Rouge d'Hiver), arugula, tatsoi and mibuna in there.
 Carrots, finally getting to be a reasonable size. Which isn't much, but I'll take them!
 Two of the four butternut squashes I managed to grow along with the one and only Long Island Cheese pumpkin I got. All three are quite small but they still make me very happy. I want to use some of my winter squash to make the spicy pumpkin soup that I enjoyed so much when I was in Haiti.
 This has been my best year ever for peppers! I still have over a hundred peppers on the plants and I plan not to harvest them until they turn red, or frost threatens or they are damaged. The ones pictured all have slug holes eaten out of them so they got picked and I will cut out the bad parts and use the good. Waste not, want not!
Above are a few mostly green tomatoes. There certainly aren't many left out there and I've been bringing them in to ripen. The cabbage is the last one I'll get for the year. It is about the size of a baseball, but no complaints since I harvested a boatload of cabbage this year and have quite a few keeping in the basement refrigerator.
I am so sad to see the summer coming to a close! I have yet to have a really successful fall garden, but still have a few beds of late carrots, kale, lettuce, radish, arugula and mizuna coming along. Whether they give me much before the first frost which usually hits us in mid October remains to be seen. My fall-sown spinach has been decimated by munching worms as I was too slow to get them under cover. I'm thinking of sowing another bed in the hopes of it wintering over.


  1. I am always amazed at how the volunteers do better in their own chosen environment than in the properly prepared space. Lesson to be learned here?
    Beautiful and varied harvest.

    1. Thank you! I think the volunteers are tougher since they've wintered over and that's why they do so well.

  2. I am harvesting from bed #2 of green beans (bush) too. Just pulled the first bed out this weekend. If they keep producing as much as they are I am going to have to start giving some away as I have frozen and canned so many beans that I think we will be sick of them by next spring. :D

    Your butternuts and pumpkin look great. Mine are all still on the vine and just now turning color. We have quite a while yet to our first frost but the nights are getting longer and chillier so we are definitely moving towards winter.

    1. I will be pulling out bean patch #1 any day now. It's pretty ravaged looking and not producing much. It's been a good year for beans! I bet your butternuts are a lot larger than mine! But given my track record with winter squash, I am not complaining!

  3. Wonderful harvest for the week! I also use produce to its fullest - there's no need to throw out an entire pepper when just a small spot has a problem :)

    1. You are a gardener after my own heart! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Nice harvest! I am a little envious of Your eggplant, my plants are huge and have flowered all summer, but still no singel fruit! Wish I could grow butternut squash as well, but the climate here doesn´t let them be ripe. Maybe in the greenhouse? :) Have a nice week! :) Mia

    1. Thank you Mia, and thanks for stopping by! I don't usually have luck with winter squashes, but I'm working on it and each year I seem able to get a few more, however small they might be. How odd that your eggplant flowered but didn't fruit. Too cool maybe?

  5. Looks like another succesful havest week for you. Love the greens and carrots. The squash is very nice too.

  6. Beautiful squash! I have trouble with carrots too. Right now the ants are ruining them. Bla! But yours still look nice!

    1. Thank you! Carrots just take forever to grow for me and they don't get big at all. But they taste good!

  7. seems weird seeing what you are harvesting compared to down here, I'm just planning what seeds to buy for summer garden. Soo hanging out to eat fresh beans!
    Love leanne

    1. Leanne, the way time flies, you'll soon be eating those beans and I'll be shivering in front of the wood stove! That's when I'll most enjoy looking at the sunny pictures from your end of the world!

  8. It sounds to me like you have a nice variety of fall veggies growing! And I am impressed that you have 3 planting of beans. I've done well to get a 2nd one going. I had a lot of slug damage last year on tomatoes. I was shocked that they would climb up the vines, but they did. I'll bet the spinach would make it if you sowed it again.

    1. Thanks Dave! I think I will put that spinach in and see what happens. The slugs were really bad here this year. I've never had them eat peppers before, but they just climbed up there like on your tomatoes.

  9. It is sad to have the garden year nearing an end for this year. Waste not, want not is my motto too and it is surprising how little from the garden feeds us. Your salad greens look wonderful. Mine have not been all that great this year!! Nancy

    1. I am sorry to see the garden winding down too! Every year has new successes and new failures.

  10. Can't believe that you are still getting so much broccoli! Lovely harvest.

    1. Thank you Susan! My broccoli shoots aren't very large, but I've been getting some every day so it adds up. Definitely a good year for it here.

  11. Any pumpkins make me happy! LOL. Nice harvest. :-)

  12. My garden is on its way out too. Your pumpkins and butternut squash look delicious!

    1. Thank you Mary! I do like winter squash and pumpkins and can never have enough, so I'll keep trying to grow them.

  13. It's always sad when the garden is on it's way out, but it looks as though yours is still producing nicely! It's a funny in-between stage, isn't it? Congrats on continuing to haul it in!

    1. Thanks Bee Girl! It is sad to see the garden slowing down indeed! And each year it seems to go by faster and faster.

  14. Your garden has been giving a great harvest! wonderful. How great to have broccoli shoots...don't do well in our garden...should be under cover I expect!

    1. Thanks! This is the first year I've had any kind of success with broccoli!
